

Awareness is the first step to access wisdom, whether it is in getting along with people, healing work in mind and body, or business leadership in the workplace.

After being exposed to the training of Somatic Experiencing, it made me more aware that the awareness "consciousness" emphasized by "mindfulness" is actually the first step of work that allows us to find physical and mental healing; especially somatic experiencing. (Somatic Experiencing) focuses on perceiving the various feelings and movements of the body, from which to find the traces and clues left in the body's nervous system in the past or even the present traumatic experience, and then through the two major sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to reintegrate, let the case client retrieve the original elastic response and the scope of adaptation to emotional shocks in the past.

In the learning process of somatic experiencing therapy, I realized both the leader and the  client need to return to the current "consciousness" work in a timely manner. It can also be said that when the client cannot be aware of their own physical feelings or experience the body. The body is unable to open its deep and huge wisdom energy, and the healing effect is difficult to occur.

Therefore, as the basic skills of "mindfulness" are more solid, the learning of Somatic Experiencing will be more labor-saving, and I also found that many exercises of Somatic Experiencing are similar to the practice of mindfulness. It is necessary to bring awareness back to the senses of the body, observe without criticism, and understand with curiosity why the body has the sound, message or action it wants to make; when you hear the sound of the body, you also accept the body to do what it wants to do, the trauma suffered by the body may be unlocked and released.

In the workplace, if managers can interact with subordinates with conscious awareness, they can avoid the chance of saying wrong words or making wrong decisions. Especially in the face of a highly stressed business environment, it is easier to find a physical and mental balance.



From Taoyuan, Taiwan 20210528